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Welcome to the LightCX API. You can use our API to access all the funtionality of our platform.

All communication with LCX takes place asynchronously over websocket. Everyone may subscribe to public websocket feeds. Authenticated users may subscribe to private feeds, and also submit commands to LCX.

All data sent and recived in a simple JSON format. Unless otherwise specified, all feeds will continue to stream data until you disconnect your client, or send an unsubscribe request.

All accounts are rate limited to one request per second, with the ability to burst up to 5 requests quickly.


1) Get your access token from the authentication server:

Please see the shell code example
curl -n \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
--data "grant_type=password&client_id=direct&username=user1&password=abc1234"

2) Submit your access token to start an API session

curl -k \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"access_token": "abc1234597890"}'

1. Get an access token from the authentication system

Light.CX maintains a segregated authentication system. You will first have to authenticate yourself to the auth server using your e-mail and password. Post an x-www-form-urlencoded message containing your username and password. The auth server will then give you an Access Token.


Post Data Parameters

Parameter Required Description
username Yes The e-mail address associated with this account
password Yes The password for this account
grant_type Yes Must be "password"
client_id Yes Must be "direct"

2. Submit your Access Token to the api server

Submit your authentiation code, over websocket, to the Light.CX api. The API server will confirm the validity of your code, create a session for you, and then issue you a session token.


3. Subscribe to Private Websocket Feeds

Submit your session token to the websocket API. You'll then be connected to all the private data streams for your account.

'{"op":"auth", "token":"1234567890ABCDEF"}'

4. Include the session token in any private API requests

Be sure to include your current session token in any private API requests, in the "token" field of the JSON.

Public Feeds

All public data feeds are accessed by sending a subscribe or unsubscribe request. Specifics of data feeds are detailed in the sections below

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
op yes Operation requested
feed yes The feed requested
product no The product requeted

Time (Public Feed)

  "op" : "sub",
  "feed" : "time"
wscat -c wss:// \
-x '{"op": "sub", "feed": "time"}'


Subscribes to the official time at our Exchange servers.

Websocket Subscribe Request

{"op": "sub", "feed": "time"}

Websocket Unsubscribe Request

{"op": "unsub", "feed": "time"}

products (Public Feed)

  "op" : "sub",
  "feed" : "products"

The product feed returns three types of messages:

A new derivative product is started

  "data": {

A product has stopped trading and has been settled

  "data": {

A product has been deleted from the exchange

  "data": {

This endpoint subscribes or unsubscribes to streaming product information

Websocket Subscribe Request

{"op": "sub", "feed": "products"}

Websocket Unsubscribe Request

{"op": "unsub", "feed": "products"}

product response message fields

Field Type Description
base string The underlying pair for this derivative
expire_text string ISO text string of the expiration time
expire int UTC timestamp of derivative expiration
final_price int Official settlement price
indexprice int Official index price when derivative was first offered
payout int Derivative payout
period string Derivaitve lifespan. i.e. "min5" or "day3"
scale int Demonimator for units.
strike int Strike price
product string Official derivative product
time int Time of official settlement
underlying string The underlying pair for this derivative

Price Index (Public Feed)

  "op" : "sub",
  "feed" : "price_idx",
  "product": "btcusd"

This API subscription will return the following:

  "data": {

This endpoint subscribes or unsubscribes to our official price index. Currently, the price index is updated once every six seconds.

Websocket Subscribe Request

{"op": "sub", "feed": "price_idx", "product": "btcusd"}

Websocket Unsubscribe Request

{"op": "unsub", "feed": "price_idx", "product": "btcusd"}

Price History (Public)

  "op": "get_idx_history",
  "product": "btcusd"

This API call will return the following:

This endpoint fetches the last 100 index price points

Websocket Single Request

{"op": "get_idx_history", "product": "btcusd"}

Tob of Book (Public Feed)


The response

  "data": {

The Tob Of Book is streamed for all currently trading derivative products.

Websocket Subscribe Request

{"op": "sub", "feed": "tob"}

Websocket Unsubscribe Request

{"op": "unsub", "feed": "tob"}

Full Orderbook (Public Feed)


The response is the full book, 5 levels deep

    "b": [
    "a": [

This endpoint allows you to subscribe to the full orderbook, with live level updates. Each message is a full aggregated orderbook, up to 5 levels deep. Remember that you need to devide the price by the product scale (from the products fee). i.e. with a product scale of 100, 8793 becomes $87.93

Websocket Subscribe Request

{"op": "sub", "feed": "orderbook", "product":"btcusd_min5_2020-01-23T03:00_858500",}

Websocket Unsubscribe Request

{"op": "unsub", "feed": "orderbook", "product":"btcusd_min5_2020-01-23T03:00_858500",}

Orderbook response message fields

Field Type Description
p int Price level
q int Number of contracts available at this level
product string Official derivative product
time int Time of official settlement

Private Feeds

Light.CX operates over an asynchronous websocket connect. Once you authentiate to the websocket, additional streams of relevant account data will automaticaly be sent to you. The detail of those streams are in the sub-sections below.

As all the information is streamed automaticaly, there are only two necessary actions for you to trade:

Submitting orders

    "product": "btcusd_min5_2020-01-24T11:10_887500",
    "price": 2000,
    "size": 1,
    "side": "buy",
    "type": "limit"

Orders are submitted by sending a ticket over the websocket.

Order Ticket Fields

Field Type Description
token string Your Authentication token
product string The product you are trading
price int The price of your bid or offer in CENTS
size int The number of contracts for this order
side string buy or sell
type string market or limit

Order types

Light.CX has both market and limit orders. The logic for each type is as follows:

Canceling Orders


To cancel an order, simply send an order_cancel instruction along with your auth token and order_id.


Incomming messages only

      "balance": 12345,
      "hold": 9876

After you have authenticated, a balance message will be sent upon any change in your fund or held funds.

When you submit a limit order, we place a hold on funds required if your limit order is match. When you cancel the limit order, we release the funds.

Order Updates

Incomming messages only


Whenever there is a change to the status of any order you have submitted, the system will send the full order, with an updated status field

Order Message Fields

Field Description
expire UTC timestamp when this derivative expires
expire_text ISO text of expiration time
order_id Unique order ID
orig_time timestamp when order was submitted
period time cycle for this derivative
price Price ths order was offered at
qty_fill How much of this order has been filled
qty_order The original quantity ordered
qty_remain Remaining, unfilled quantity
side Buy or Sell
status Current order status
strike Strike price for this order
product Derivative product
type Limit or Market order

Possible Order Status

Status Description
new The order has been accepted into the orderbook
partial The order has been partially filled
filled The order has been completely filled
canceled The order has been deleted from the orderbook
rejected There was a problem with the order and it has been rejected


  "contract_id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
  "exec_time": 1579747400,
  "expire": 1579748400,
  "order_id":  "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
  "payin": 75900,
  "payout": 1200,
  "price": 6325,
  "quantity": 12,
  "side": "buy",
  "strike": 858500,
  "product": "btcusd_min5_2020-01-23T03:00_858500",
  "underlying": "btcusd"

When your order is matched, a contract is created. Contracts will automatically settle when the derivative expires.

When you first authenticate to the private websocket, you will receive a list of all currently open contract. The websocket will then stream any new contract updates to you.

Contract Message Fields

Field Description
contract_id Unique contract ID
exec_time Time this contract was entered
expire UTC timestamp when this derivative expires
order_id Unique order ID that was matched into this contract
payin Amount your account paid in as collateral
payout Amouth to be awarded if contract settles in your favor
price Price ths contract was set at
quantity Number of derivatives in this contract
side Buy or Sell
strike Strike price for this derivative
product Derivative product
underlying The underlying prodcut for this derivative


The API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- Your request is not allowd
418 I'm a teapot.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're sending too many api requests! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.